Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year 2009

Happy 2009! In honor of the new year we allowed Molly and Toula to sleep in our bed with us last night. It was a Two Dog Night (1970's band reference, anyone?? ok, yeah, I know it's 'three dog night', smartypants), ha ha. Anyhoo, our gardeners, who come every Thursday, decided it was Just Another Thursday and showed up at 7:30am to blow our yard and turn on the Loudest Lawn Mower In The World, which caused the dogs to LAUNCH out of bed, barking and aroohing and hollering. Yeee-owza. I had to pull clothes on and feign a smile as I 'Happy New Year!'d them out the back door.

The gardeners get one point for reliability, but minus one point for the hangover headache. Sigh. I guess it could be worse. We could live in the snow. **shudder**

This morning as we tried to watch the Rose Parade, Molly decided we should watch her, and climbed on my lap.Let me be perfectly clear: BASSETS ARE PACK ANIMALS. If you think you can have just one, or be one of those "leave the dog in the yard" families, don't get a Basset.

But, if you want to start your new year with a warm, lovey dog in your lap who smells a bit like Fritos, periodically jams her wet nose into your face, and leaves long strands of hair on your shirt, get a Basset.


Martha said...

My mum says she knows exactly what you mean! Life with bassets is great. Nice to see you visited our blog. We are new to blogging. Me and Bailey are both rescue bassets and just getting these humans in order.
Basset Best Wishes
Martha & Bailey xx

Bobby said...

Just came by from Marthas blog,I had Martha in on foster before she went to the great home she now has.

Tobi said...

I love this post especially the last two paragraphs. We have a Basset Hound group here in Austin and I tell all the owners with one dog that they should get another one from a rescue group because 2 bassets is beter than 1! My life got exponentially better when I got the second one. :)

Tina. said...

I absolutely agree that life is great with a Basset. And the more you have the more fun you have!!!

Nice to meet another basset lover!